Monday, May 30, 2011

My weird Dream last night

For the past two nights I've been having the weirdest dreams. It might be because I watched Inception on saturday night with my mom. After I first saw it in theaters I had crazy dreams for a week. Maybe watching it again is just restarting the trend.

I was at this museum that you had to swim through. Yes the museum was half way filled with water and then the art was in protective glass cases on the walls. The water was probably 6 feet deep so if your like me (5'5) you had to swim the whole time! I was with a lot of my friends going from room to room but I kept bugging them because I wanted to go see a particular piece of art. I have no idea what piece of art it was but I wanted to go.

So anyway, a much taller friend of mine with dark hair (although I never saw his face and I don't think I even know him in real life) helped me swim to a staircase and then up to the top floor to see some masterpiece. When we finally go there it turned out the art piece I wanted to see had been replaced with one of those claw machines where you try to get the stuffed animals. So naturally we put our coins in and while still swimming in water, we try to win a stuffed sea otter. We finally won it and when we did the wall and the machine slide to the side to reveal the piece of art I'd been waiting to see.

The art piece was a picture of people sitting in a crowded concert hall watching a UFC fight. I could care less for ultimate fighting so no I have no idea why I dreamed that. Anyway I turned to my friend and told him thank you for bringing me up there because without his help I never would've made it up the stairs and I never would've won that sea otter.

Moral of the story. Everyone needs someone they can rely on. Everyone needs a helping person. Someone who has their back at all times. You can get worn out easily and there's no one there to share in the triumphs of victory. So God gives us people in our lives to work with us and help us carry the load. Sometimes it's hard because we want to accomplish things on our own and sometimes we do that because we think it's easier. But that's not how God designed us.

"Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work: If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who fall and has no one to help him up!"- Ecc. 4:9-10

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